Air Supply Tools
Air Supply Tools
Stump Stop 32 Oz. Cut Stump & Basal Bark Treatment

32 Oz. Cut Stump & Basal Bark Treatment

SKU #747178 Model #77000

UPC #737716770001

Stump Stop

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Air Supply Tools , 7544 Trade Street , San Diego , CA
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Stump Stop is a ready to use herbicide for cut stump or basal bark treatment. This powerful solution controls nearly 100 varieties of woody plants species including alder, birch, dogwood, elm, Hawthorne, locust, Russian olive, pine, sumac, willow, and many more. This product also kills poison ivy and poison oak, along with other listed vegetation. Treatments may be applied throughout the year, except when snow or water prevent spraying to the ground line. Control may be reduced with treatment during periods of moisture stress as in late summer. To control resprouting, apply to wet the area adjacent to the cambium and bark around the entire circumference and the sides of cut stumps. Sides of stumps should be thoroughly wetted down to the root collar area, but not to the point of runoff.
