Air Supply Tools
Air Supply Tools
Damtite 2.5 Lb. Tub Hydraulic Cement

2.5 Lb. Tub Hydraulic Cement

SKU #275956 Model #07031

UPC #037438070312


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Air Supply Tools , 7544 Trade Street , San Diego , CA
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A cement-based, quick-set hydraulic cement for concrete and masonry. It is a dry powder mixed with water to putty consistency that sets in 3 to 5 minutes to stop flowing water or seepage under pressure through holes and cracks, and can even be applied under water. It expands as it sets to provide a permanent, high-strength patch. Ideal to repair holes and cracks in concrete and masonry walls, wall-floor joists, swimming pools, water storage tanks, fountains, ponds, and drains. Also for sealing around pipe/conduit or to anchor hooks, metal to concrete. Coverage: 2.5 pound fills a crack 3/4" W x 3/4" D x 2.5' L, or 17 cu in. 10 pound fills a crack 3/4" W x 3/4" D x 10' L, or 68 cu in.
